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What if I fail? Oh, But What If You Fly?

  What If I Fail? Oh, But What If You Fly? By the time we have reached our sixties all of us have had a share of fails and successes, hopefully far more successes :). It is the very nature of living that life is full of ups and downs. As we each write our own unique life story, it is these that helps us grow, learn from our mistakes, celebrate our wins, and turn us in to the person we are today. Looking at the many chapters of our life, we can see how we evolved from a dewy eyed baby, through to childhood, teenage and eventually to adulthood. We have probably all made mistakes now and again, and maybe even had a few regrets, but I hope this doesn’t deter us from making our final chapters into interesting and wonderful reading. Take a risk. This is our legacy, our own unique story.  Opportunities There are still so many opportunities out there, just waiting for us to grab hold of and make our own. Perhaps starting a micro business, volunteering, travelling the world (or our own ba

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