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Reminiscing... One Of My Favourite Pastimes!

  Reminiscing... One Of My Favourite Pastimes!  One of the lovely things as we age, is the amount of memories we have collected and stored in our memory bank. I find it such a joy to spend some time thinking of the people and events in my life, and it fills my heart with such happiness :). People Of course family, and especially loved ones who I have lost, are always top of the list. I can still conjure up the scent of my mum's favourite perfume, my dad's spicy aftershave and the earthy aroma of my grandfathers pipe. Though the indescribable smell of my new born babies is, by far, the most evocative of them all. I can remember inspirational (and some formidable!) teachers from my childhood, the kind old lady at the grocery store who would sometimes give me a free penny sweet. The cheery postman and the rather stern policeman ( all children were terrified of him!) who lived in our street. Then there was the lovely Iolly-pop lady, who always had a beautiful smile and was there w...

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