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5 Lovely Reasons To Smile Today

  What's the first thing you do when someone smiles at you? You smile right back! Imagine what a fabulous chain reaction that could make. The whole world would be smiling at the same time :) Life is never easy or straight forward is it? But we muddle through, hopefully having much more good times than bad. But even if we are not having the best of days, there are still so many reasons to smile. Smile, Its Free Smiling doesn't cost a  penny but can really make a difference to other people. Imagine all the scenarios other people are going through this day. Imagine your smile being the one thing that made them happy! Smiling Boosts Your Immune System When you smile your brain releases serotonin and other endorphins which not only help you relax and feel better but also strengthen your immune system. So when you have a bad cold or headache, remember there is always something to smile about.  Just by giving a single smile, a lot happens in your body.  Smiling Can Help Reduce Pain So

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