Becoming A Blogger In My Sixties


I wonder if any of you have considered becoming a blogger? For me it is one of those things that I had thought about for many years, and never got round too doing. I have been a writer for over twenty years and when blogging first started I wrote a few posts, but never published them.

To be honest I thought I had missed the boat. Who would want to read about the life of a sixty year old? But when I got to sixty I realised that being sixty is not old. No-one can make us old because of the number of years we have lived. We can make ourselves old by thinking like that, but that was never going to be me.

And then the pandemic came and everyone started blogging. I didn't think there would be enough eyes on the entire planet to read the amount of blogs! But I was wrong, people love to read blogs. I have a theory that blogging is a little like a soap on tv. You get to see a sneak peak of someone else's life! 

Travelling Solo

Then I started travelling solo. I went to Norway, Portugal, Madeira, France, Spain, Iceland, Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia and many more amazing places. I swam with turtles, danced in the rain in The Rain Forest, sailed on a schooner, drank in an ice bar, saw the sunrise in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Everywhere I went people said I should write about what I was doing.
So I did:)

Starting Blogging

After I returned from my travels I wrote my book Growing Old, Growing Free, which is about my travel adventures (the first three chapters will be serialised on here). Although I had written for many years I had written about things for work, and not for pleasure. This was definitely writing for pleasure! After this book I wrote three more and then wasn't sure what to do.

I was extremely lucky to be accepted as a guest blogger for the fantastic community at, who I am sure many of you will know. I absolutely loved it!  I couldn't bombard them with everything I was writing now that the floodgates had been opened, so thought why not start my own  blog?
So I did :)

But, to be truthful, I wasn't sure what blogging was really about or how to do it. How do you get your work out there for anyone to read? Would anyone want to read it?Apart from that I was technically, how shall we say? Useless. I used the computer every day for work and could type, copy and paste and a other few bits, but building a blog site? Absolutely no way!

Could I Build A Blogsite?

But I couldn't stop writing, it just kept coming every day and I had all this stuff I didn't know what to do with, and wanted people to read. So I did a little research, and found out the easiest places to set up a blog ( and I just kept trying      
(and mostly failing!)

When I eventually got my first blog up and ready to go live I was so happy and excited. Although I was just a little bit nervous, and hoping you all liked what I had written :)

Could You Be A Blogger?

What I would really like to say is, if you enjoy writing, give blogging a try. You can write about anything at all that you love. It could be cooking, crafting, travelling, book club, designing, gardening, anything at all! Just try it, you might surprise yourself.
I know I did :)

Mum's A Blogger!

 It doesn't matter if no-one reads your blog because it is about you and your life, and will be there for you to read in years to come, when you look back and see just how amazing and brave you were! Also can you imagine your kids faces when they find out their mum is a blogger :)

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Thank you for dropping by 💝💝💝  Lily x

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