What if I fail? Oh, But What If You Fly?


What If I Fail? Oh, But What If You Fly?

By the time we have reached our sixties all of us have had a share of fails and successes, hopefully far more successes :). It is the very nature of living that life is full of ups and downs. As we each write our own unique life story, it is these that helps us grow, learn from our mistakes, celebrate our wins, and turn us in to the person we are today.

Looking at the many chapters of our life, we can see how we evolved from a dewy eyed baby, through to childhood, teenage and eventually to adulthood. We have probably all made mistakes now and again, and maybe even had a few regrets, but I hope this doesn’t deter us from making our final chapters into interesting and wonderful reading. Take a risk. This is our legacy, our own unique story. 


There are still so many opportunities out there, just waiting for us to grab hold of and make our own. Perhaps starting a micro business, volunteering, travelling the world (or our own back door!), learning new things, exploring all that this beautiful world has to offer. Imagine you floating down the Nile, starting a business, writing your first novel, or becoming a much needed volunteer at your local hospice. All of them are life enhancing, and let the world know that you are still living your best life.

‘I can’t’, you say. There are things that need to be done, or money that needs to be spent somewhere else, perhaps fear of failure, or a hundred other reasons not to do something. 

But let me ask you this. If in ten, twenty, thirty years you are no longer here, wouldn’t you want to have at least tried to do something special, something you are proud of.  Something that sets you apart from others. What’s the worst that can happen?

Just For You

You have already done so much for so many, how about doing something just for you? Something that makes your heart sing and, maybe, skip a little faster. Something you are truly passionate about. Perhaps it will take some courage, but you owe it to yourself to be living the life you want. No more excuses, nor more reasons not too, just make a plan and see what happens.

Whatever your situation there will be something right for you. Perhaps you can’t just hop off somewhere, there are still a hundred things for you to do… get involved in local affairs/events, read at a local school, join a local organisation, raise money for local causes, walk the dogs in the dog rehoming centre. Anything you truly care about.

If you are able to travel perhaps volunteering overseas, join WOOFA (live and work on organic farms around the world), teach English abroad, work on a cruise ship (yes, they do employ older people). Or you could take the Golden Triangle Tour of India, visiting Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, or perhaps a cruise up The River Amazon. There is so much to see and do, so make the latest chapters of your book amazing!

One Day I Will…

What inspired you or motivated when you were younger? Those wonderful dreams that you thought ‘one day I will …’. Well now is that ‘one day’. The day you decide to make your dreams come true. So whether you want to rescue orphan elephants, swim with turtles, sing, become a film/tv extra, start up a community business or even do a parachute jump, make today ‘Your Day’.

Whatever you decide to do it will be an experience, and even if it doesn’t all go according to plan, you tried. You will make new friends, gain new skills, solve many problems, and learn a great deal about yourself too. I think that is not a bad return, especially when in reality, you are likely to succeed and think about all the incredible things that brings…

What if you fail? I hear you ask. Oh, but what if you fly?

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This article was first published on Sixty and Me

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