Follow Your Dreams


I love this quote by George Eliot, ‘Its never too late to become who you might have been’. Somehow though for most of us, life seems to get in the way of us following our dreams, and we keep those wonderful hopes and wishes tucked away in our heart, thinking one day we will get round to it.

Its Not Too Late

And the years tick by and suddenly we find ourselves in our 60’s, 70’s or 80’s, thinking we left it too late. But it’s not too late. It’s never too late! The biggest gift of retirement is time, so now you have the time to do whatever you want, use it wisely. Use it to follow your own wonderful dream. As the song says Make your own kind of music :)

Think of all the times you thought ‘I would love to do that but I’m too busy’. Perhaps climbing your career, being a mum, a wife, a carer. Now is your chance so seize it and follow your dreams, you will never have this much time again.

What Are Your Dreams?

When you were younger did you love to paint or draw? Have you always thought one day you would like to be a photographer, write a book, or become a YouTuber? What about being a local radio presenter?  Perhaps you would like to travel, or take dancing lessons. You could even go to university, imagine getting a degree! The list is endless, all you need is a little passion and a smidgen of courage.

There has never been an easier time to do anything you choose. The internet and, especially social media, is crammed with ideas, advice know-how, and thousands of people achieving their dreams. You could be one of them! There are blogs and vlogs from older people who travel, write, create, build or study.

Moving Abroad

So many people over 60 are deciding to sell up and move abroad, and having done that myself I can see why. The cost of property is generally cheaper, the way of living often slower, older people seem to be a little more respected, and maybe you might move somewhere that has year round sunshine:).

It takes a lot of courage to move abroad on your own, but the rewards can be incredible. Always make sure you take advise from professionals, and research thoroughly where you are hoping to move. 

Take That First Step

Every journey begins with a first step, so choose what you would like to do, and start your own journey. Write it down,  then explore ways of making it happen. It might be something simple such as taking an art class, or learning photography, or you may prefer to travel the world or downsize, and spend some of that bricks and mortar money!

Day Dreaming

So have a little day dream and think about what you really want to do, and who you really want to be. You can be anyone at all, imagine that! Is there anything from stopping you being an inventor, an entrepreneur, an influencer, a YouTuber, a writer, a blogger, a traveller, a photographer, an artist? Barbara Cartland was still writing books and published her last novel aged 97. I think that still gives you time! 

Re inventing your life over sixty, being the person you always knew you were, can be exhilarating, life changing and a whole lot of fun :)

Thank you for stopping by 💝💝💝 Lily x

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