Make Up After Sixty? Always, Sometimes, Never?


As a woman over sixty how do you feel about wearing make-up? Does it give you a lift and you wear it everyday, and wouldn’t dream of going out the front door without it? Or perhaps you just wear it for special occasions like parties, weddings, going out to dinner, etc. Or maybe you never wear make up any more (or never did), perhaps you can’t be bothered, or feel it doesn’t look right on older skin?


Most people I speak to over sixty think skincare is more important, and would rather put there money and time into keeping their skin hydrated and looking as good as it can be. I can still recall my teenage years of putting Ambre  Solaire oil all over my body, and basking in the sun until I fried! 

Now, of course, I am much more careful and recently found a sunscreen that really works for me. It’s a bit expensive to buy, but I bought it at the airport and, so far, it has lasted me six months of travel in hot countries, without even a red face.

I also use a retinol cream I buy in Spain, I don’t think it is available over the counter in the UK. Other than that it’s good old fashioned Nivea :)


Oh my goodness does anyone else remember Pan Stick? It was a stick of foundation in a thick block. You twiddled the knob and up would pop a claggy lump. I would like to say it glided beautifully over my skin, but even with the gorgeous fresh skin of youth, I know it clumped together, a little bit like a weak cement mixture!

Now I give foundations a wide berth, they only fill my wrinkles up anyway (no wonder I used to use so much!) and then crack when I smile.  I think I will stick with just a tiny bit of concealer, if I bother at all.

Have you found one that you like? Or maybe you are one of the lucky (un-fried) ones who have perfect porcelain skin!


Being a blonde (ok a greyish blonde!) my eyelashes need a little something or they just disappear. Thankfully they are still reasonably thick and quite long, so a smidgen of mascara goes a long way.

How many of you can remember sticking false eyelashes on (mine often looked a little like dead spiders at the end of the night!). What were we thinking of? Now young people seem to be wearing eyelashes so thick they can barely open their eyes! How do they see where they are going? I’ve got enough trouble with my eyesight as it is, thanks!


How I used to love lipstick. The brighter the better! But that was when I had plump, luscious lips. Where did they go? Now they seem to have shrunk to half the width and instead of thick bow-shaped voluptuous lips, I have two thin straight lines, that seem to droop down at the edges, rather than smile upwards.

For me the only thing they get is a nude lip gloss (on high days and holidays) but mostly vaseline!


A Little Rouge?

I have recently been introduced to something I think we used to call rouge, but now seems to be called bronzer. It is amazing!! I use the teeny tiniest amount and it completely transforms my face. It is so fine it doesn’t even go in my wrinkles, just gives me a lovely holiday glow.

I haven’t told anyone I use it, but every time I do someone says to me ‘You look well’. 

I’ll take that :).

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

But you know, the real beauty is the one inside us. I know it’s a bit of a cliche, but I think it’s true. If you look at photos of really older people, not spring chickens like us, you can see so much beauty and radiance in their faces. It’s as if their wisdom, experiences and love shine through, and the best bit is, us young ones have still got all that to come!

For now think about what is in your heart and your soul. If what you find in there is beautiful, then so are you. Your skin may never have that dewy look of youth again, your eyelashes may be a bit sparse, you may be lucky enough to have those lost hairs on your eyebrows not sprout on your chin, but you are gorgeous just the way you are. It’s as simple as that!

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This article was written by me but has previously been published on

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