Letter To My Younger Self


Imagine if ten years ago you knew everything you have learned since. Obviously, not the lottery numbers (if only!), but all the wisdom, knowledge, experience that you have now. Would it have helped make life easier? Might you have taken a different path? Would it change who you turned out to be? 

I thought I would write my fifty year old me a letter. Here goes….

Hello beautiful lady :)

Well I’m still here, despite me thinking those pains in my chest were something terrible (turns out it was indigestion!).

Life has been a bit of a roller coaster since FiftyYou, as life often is. Some lows, of course, but so many highs now I have grown wise enough to know what matters, and more importantly, what doesn’t. 

How I used to worry about those wrinkles! When now I smile and am thankful for all the experiences I have had along the way that gave me them. And don’t get me started on those hairs that started sprouting from my chin, especially at the same time as the ones on my eyebrows mysteriously disappeared! 

Now I am content with how I look, and how I feel. Sure I don’t like the aches and pains but they remind me I am still here living, while many have not been so fortunate. I count my blessings every day.

I used to get so upset about all those tiny details, that really didn’t matter at all. Waiting in all day and my parcel not arriving, missing the train or bus, or having to go to the dentist. How silly they all seem now.

And that argument you had with your sister… all over and done, just a silly miscommunication, as so much often is. Now she comes to lunch most Sundays and calls me every day. How you worried and thought you would never see her again.

You were always so busy! I know you enjoyed your work, but sometimes you would be working late into the night, or over the weekend. Take your time. Enjoy life, enjoy your surroundings. Walk in the rain, dance on the beach (wear that polka dot bikini!). Jump in puddles, kick up leaves. Listen to the sounds of the birds and smell the grass. Smile, often. These are the  things that are important, not money or possessions.

Do you remember when I used to say I would never go on a cruise? How people who went on cruises were, somehow, different. Well, guess what? I went on a cruise and had the most amazing time! I met some wonderful people and have even booked another one for later this year. I am embracing change and loving what it is giving me in return. I may be getting older but there is great big world still out there, and I want to be part of it!

I guess what I am trying to say is don’t worry about things that don’t matter, most things sort themselves out if we let them. Also keep in contact with those you love, you never know what’s round the corner.

Take risks, what’s the worst that can happen? Failure is just another way to say ‘I am learning’. And who doesn’t love to learn? Remember those art classes you wanted to do? Go do them, you never know where they could lead! What would the world be like without Picasso or Renoir?

Forgive. I know it’s a bit of a cliche but life really is too short for holding grudges. If someone upsets you, let it go. Does it really matter who was right or wrong? Often we forget what the argument was even about. Pride costs a great deal, and is the cause of many relationship breakdowns. Be the one who gives the olive branch.

Mostly I want to say enjoy your life, we are not on this earth for very long. Be brave, take every opportunity that comes your way. It is usually the things we didn’t do that we regret, not the things we did. Be kind always, you never know when you may need a little help and support yourself.

Finally, love yourself. You are pretty awesome after all, and I have it on good authority that there is no-one else quite like you. Open your heart, open your mind and get living. I can’t wait to see who you turn into! 

Lots of love, your Sixty Something Self x

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Thank you for dropping by 💝💝💝  Lily x

This blog was written by me and first printed on Sixtyandme.com 


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