Enjoy The Moment!

I have spent the last two years travelling to wonderful places, and am always amazed how many people would rather take a photo, than take in the moment. When you are taking a picture, you are concentrating on frame, shot, angle, lighting, etc. and not taking in the atmosphere, the sights, sounds and everything around you.

I know you can have a photo forever, but how often do we really take them out and look at them? When they are locked in your memory you can view them anytime and anywhere you want. I understand if it is a scene, for example a picture of a mountain or the countryside, something static, that you can take a photo of and then enjoy being there, but some very special moments last just a fraction of time.

Capture With Your Eye, Not Your Camera

Last year I went on a cruise to Norway and Iceland and we travelled around the Arctic Circle. It was incredible! Every morning I would go up on deck about 4 or 5 in the morning, watching the sunrise and looking for wildlife. 

One day there was large pod of whales in the distance, frolicking in the sea. I was mesmerised as they swam closer and closer, often surfacing and blowing, before flipping their tales and swimming beneath the water. What a spectacular performance they were putting on for us!

In My Memory, Not Just In An Album

I was the only one not trying to capture it on camera, and afterwards several  people said they wished they had just enjoyed the moment too, as the photos did not do it justice. But as well as not having a great photo, they missed the most amazing opportunity of being present and watching these magnificent animals put on a display, that most of us would be unlikely to witness again.

In an instant I can conjure up the sound of the water as the whales splashed down, remember the glistening of the early morning sunlight on their skin, the majestic presence of such  beautiful creatures so close by. I can recall the way my eyes filled with tears, the prickle of my hair as I took in what was in front of me, and the thump, thump, thump of my heartbeat. I doubt I would remember so much if I was focusing on getting a good shot.

The Lost Art Of Conversation

How many times have you seen a group of people sitting at a table, taking photos and barely talking? It makes me really sad. In years to come will they wish they had taken more photos of their cappuccino or pizza, or wish they had communicated with the people who were there with them?

It seems many would rather upload photos to social media platforms, possibly in the hope of getting 'likes'? The downside of this is, if no-one notices or 'likes' their photos, they may become unhappy, and this can have an affect on their mood and the enjoyment of the people they are with. Why not just savour the company and conversation?

Unable To Share?

Perhaps you might think that if you don't take a photo, you are not able to share, but I think if you re-read my memories of whale watching, you can see there are other ways to share your memories.

Instead of showing someone a photo, sharing the emotions and joy of something you have witnessed, can lead to many wonderful conversations, as people recall their own encounters. Sharing our experiences is one of the loveliest ways we communicate with others.

How many of you would feel sad not to have someone to talk with for a few days, but would you  be sad if you didn't see someones photo? Probably not!

Creating Memories

Creating memories is one of the most enjoyable things we can do for ourselves. We can flit back and forth in an instant, recalling our childhood, the loves of our lives, the days our children were born, freeze-frame moments, and other significant life events. At my age, reminiscing is one of my greatest pleasures, as I look back over my life and the events that have made it so interesting and wonderful.

As we recollect past events, our senses conjure up how we felt, the sounds around us, who else was present. The smell, the taste, the sight, the feel, the atmosphere. It can transform where we are, and take us right backs if it was happening right now. Although photos will always have a treasured place in our hearts, let's not forget the importance of appreciating things as they happen, and enjoying the moment.

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